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Main » 2009 » March » 22 » [Patch Schedule] Update Schedule Change / New Content Release System
[Patch Schedule] Update Schedule Change / New Content Release System
7:42 PM
Attention, soldiers!

We will be making some changes to our 2009 game update schedule beginning with the next patch. 

New content is great, but no one likes patches: putting patches in place result in more work for us, and less time for you to play.  However, with our new system, we will be having one actual server patch per month, but content will still be released twice per month.  So less server downtime each month... but you'll still get new guns and gear to enjoy every two weeks or so!  (Unscheduled server checks for server maintenance are still unfortunately unavoidable, but as always, we will do our best to minimize these.)

The next content update and server patch is currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 25th, 2009.  So with this new system, you'll still be getting a few more cool toys two weeks after, on Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 -- all without a second server patch!  

We'll be posting more details on the actual server downtimes shortly.  Moving forward, our current plan is to have each monthly server patch on the 4th Wednesday of each month.

Over and out!

- Combat Arms Command -
Views: 696 | Added by: Kon10dR | Rating: 5.0/1 |
Total comments: 1
1 AintJesse  
Hopefully every two weeks they scan for hackers too. This game will rock if the hackers are gone.

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«  March 2009  »

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